About SkillsMantra

Offerring technology-oriented assessment solutions to catalyze the various phases of staffing for delivering   skilled efficient qualified  manpower across sectors.


We introduce SkillsMantra as the stand-alone assessment body for conducting quality assessments. Fundamentally, it is the conglomeration of various entities performing designated tasks, directed towards a common goal of delivering certified skilled manpower pan-India.

At its operational end, the role of SkillsMantra is not just limited to assessing students, but is also responsible for the maintenance of student profiles & prompt results in relevant MIS’s. SkillsMantra also takes care of the learning needs of assessors on a regular basis, and offers govt. recognized certifications to have updated assessors & thus an efficient operation process.

The technical end of SkillsMantra offers advanced technology solutions for continually improvising the operational processes thereby assuring quality. While our technology-oriented examination techniques help us conduct assessments with greater transparency, accuracy & speed, our online knowledge-sharing platform helps our subject matter experts to share their views and knowledge on one podium thus maintaining a healthy set of examination patterns & question-banks.


SkillsMantra is born out of the viewpoint that quality of an assessment sets the first & foremost benchmark of skillsets for its applicants. Hence, we are always on the hunt of dynamic professionals willing to share their knowledge & experience to continually improve the standard of assessments. SkillsMantra maintains a database of such enthusiastic mavens & offers remunerated assignments to provide trainings or conduct assessments. It gives you a great platform to interact to some of the best talents in your domain and enhance your own profile by being a govt. certified assessor/trainer. Just drop in with your profiles and be a part of shaping a young skilled India.


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